LITURGICAL MINISTER FORMATION WORKSHOPS | The 2024 Liturgical Minister Formation Workshops presented by the Office for Liturgy and Spirituality are now open for registration. Training is available for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, and Sacristans in both English and Spanish. Please check the diocesan website ( for registration and further information.)
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED | Would you like to be the hands and feet of Christ, and bring Communion to the Homebound on Sundays? We have a beautiful ministry that needs volunteers. You would be assigned six Sundays every fourteen weeks (scheduled ahead of time) to be a Eucharistic Minister for parishioners who are at home and can’t make it to church or to Catholics residing at several assisted living facilities in Rancho Bernardo. Training would be provided. Please contact the parish office at (858)487-4314 if you would like more information. You will be touched by the gratitude of our Catholics in the community.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound Video
OFFERTORY VOLUNTEERS | Would you like to bring up the Offertory at Mass? Are you celebrating an anniversary, birthday or have always wanted to bring up the Gifts of Bread and Wine? Sign-up sheets are available on the lime green clipboard on the ledge behind the cry room. Or, you can e-mail May Pidding at [email protected] if you forget to sign up at church. Please leave your phone number so we can call to remind you. Please to be sure to wear appropriate church attire.
USHERS NEEDED – ALL MASSES | The Usher Ministry is looking for men and women volunteers over the age of 18 to join our ministry for each of our weekend Masses. The primary duties and responsibilities include helping seat people, collect the offerings, selecting parish members to take up the offertory gifts, providing orderly direction to receive the Eucharist and aiding the elderly and disabled during Mass when necessary. This is a great opportunity to serve with very little time commitment required, and to make a profound difference in bringing the parish community together to be closer to God. There is no better way to say yes to God than to understand the importance of this ministry and join our team. Please contact J.P. Boreddy at [email protected] for more information about our ministry.
LECTOR MINISTRY | Have you wanted to be more active in a San Rafael Parish ministry? Do you want to serve the church and San Rafael by bringing the living word of God to our parish community? If so, we’re looking for individuals who are comfortable speaking in public and can be clearly and distinctly heard and understood. Prayerfully consider joining the lector ministry of our parish where you will help strengthen the faith of our parishioners and guests by proclaiming the scriptures at Mass. We’d love to hear from you – Jeffrey Graw at (760)522-4864 to learn more about this important and fulfilling ministry.
VERONICA’S LADIES | You may have wondered who are Veronica’s Ladies? We are a group of San Rafael women who volunteer organizing and hosting receptions for parish events (such as giving families a place to gather after a funeral Mass, for parish missions, for the Mass of Remembrance, for farewells, etc.). We were originally called the “Reception Committee,” however, in memory of our founder, Veronica Coleman, we are proud to call ourselves “Veronica’s Ladies.” Sometimes people view volunteers as people who sacrifice their time to help others. Well, in some ways that is true; but the benefits of volunteering are really a blessing to those who volunteer. You learn something new, you strengthen your compassion for others, you have a new sense of purpose in life. You make new friends, have a sense of accomplishment, in combats loneliness and most important, it can be fun and make your life more fulfilling. You will have an impact on our San Rafael Community. Please consider becoming a Veronica’s Ladies volunteer. Contact the parish office at (858)487-4314 and leave your name and contact information.
URGENT NEED FOR GREETERS | The Greeters’ Ministry is sorely in need of new members to send out the Welcome Message to our parishioners and guests. The job is so easy. Anyone can do it, and the rewards are tremendous. The only skills required are a smile and a welcoming attitude. Think of how good you feel when someone gives you a smile and a “good morning” or “good evening.” For some of our parishioners, that may be the only smile/greeting they receive all day. And think about this: It has been said that the Greeters’ Ministry has drawn visitors to our parish and some even back to the Church. We are all called to be disciples of Christ. Give this ministry a try. There are openings at all Masses. Questions? Call Sandra Strong, Greeter’s Ministry Coordinator, at (858) 524-4576.
The Diocese of San Diego has established a system for training and background screening volunteers. It is centralized through a website called CMG Connect.
If you are a volunteer who regularly serves in a ministry where you have unsupervised contact with minors, (such as catechists, co-catechists, classroom assistants, field trip drivers and chaperones, retreat helpers, etc.) you are required by the Diocese to complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Training and undergo a basic background check.
If you are a ministry volunteer who does any driving on behalf of the parish (for example, driving another parishioner to and from Mass or parish meetings or off-site activities, running errands to pick up supplies for an event, etc.) you are required by the Diocese to complete the Diocesan “Be Safe – Drive Safe” Online Defensive Driving Training Course in addition to the Diocesan Safe Environment Training and the basic background check. After completing the online course, volunteer drivers should also complete the Volunteer Driver Form and turn it in to the parish office.
All volunteers under the age of 18 must have parent permission and be supervised by an adult. Parent/Guardian Consent Form
Kitchen volunteers should read and review the following:
San Rafael 2017 Protocols for All Kitchen Volunteers
Diocesan Safe Food Handling and Storage Guidelines
County of San Diego’s Food Handler’s Guide to Food Safety
The County of San Diego also offers an online Foodhandler Program. While this course is not required, it is highly recommended for those parish volunteers who routinely supervise other kitchen volunteers during events at San Rafael in which large quantities of food are prepared and served.
Please contact the Parish Office (858)487-4314 if you have any questions or need additional assistance.