The role of an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is to assist the priest in serving communion during the celebration of Mass. Communion ministers are scheduled to serve communion at a specific mass or service in the church, and do so in a meaningful and efficient manner. Communion is to be distributed reverently while acknowledging the sanctity of the position of extraordinary minister.
Coordinator: Mary Van Hee | Phone: (858) 395-9242
January 2025 EMHC ScheduleExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take Holy Communion to and visit and comfort those who are ill in convalescent homes, bedridden or homebound. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please watch our video.
Coordinator: Gina Greenlee | Phone: (858) 649-6019
Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors as they gather for the celebration of the Mass.
Coordinator: Sandra Strong | Phone: (858) 524-4576
Our Lectors are commissioned to proclaim the Word of the Lord with faith and reverence.
Coordinator: Jeff Graw | Phone: (760) 522-4864 | Email: [email protected]
Spanish Mass is offered every Saturday at 7:00 PM. Mass is sometimes followed by food and fellowship in the Parish Hall.
Purpose: To minister to the needs of the Migrant Community. To accompany the migrants in their faith journey while they are in our midst. To allow them to worship in a culturally appropriate manner.
Contact: Robert & Rosa Santos | Phone: (858) 613-1078
Ushers assist our parish community in welcoming parishioners at the weekly Eucharistic celebration, providing bulletins and hospitality.
Coordinator: J. P. Boreddy| Phone: (916) 208-0214 | E-mail: [email protected]