Contact: Chris O’Donnell, Director of Catechetical Ministry & Evangelization
(858) 487-4314, ext. 1224, or Email: [email protected]
Parents and godparents are instructed of the importance of Baptism and, hopefully foster a deeper faith commitment on their part .For more information and to register for baptism please go to our Baptism page.
Parishioners who have recently been in the hospital and are unable to attend Mass or homebound members who wish to receive Communion may contact the Parish Office at (858) 487-4314 to leave your contact name, address and phone number to request San Rafael Ministers to the Homebound bring Communion. You need not be on the list indefinitely, only until you are able to return to regular Mass attendance.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK for those who are hospitalized or in seriously ill health can be arranged by calling the parish and asking for one of the priests to come and administer the sacrament. A Communal Anointing of the Sick ceremony is held on a specified day both in Advent and Lent. Otherwise, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can be arranged at any time by calling the office and requesting a sick call. Also, our area hospitals are served by a Catholic chaplain. Do not hesitate to ask the hospital staff to contact the chaplain if needed.
Contact: Quyen Skiano, Religious Education Coordinator
(858) 487-4314, ext. 1216, or E-mail: [email protected]
Our Sacramental classes prepare our students for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. This is a two-year program in which the children learn their prayers, become acquainted with Jesus and learn about God’s love for us through the sacraments. Sometimes an older child is late in his/her preparation for the sacraments. During his/her first year, he/she is enrolled in a regular class. In the following year he/she enrolls in the Sacramental Preparation class.Contact: Chris O’Donnell, Director of Catechetical Ministry & Evangelization
(858) 487-4314, ext. 1224, or Email: [email protected]
Any unbaptized child, age 7 or above, who desires to become Catholic participates in the Christian Initiation process which leads them to the celebration of the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. The OCIA process is adapted to meet the specific needs of children of catechetical age.To register, please contact Chris O’Donnell, BSP.
Contact: Chris O’Donnell, Director of Catechetical Ministry & Evangelization
(858) 487-4314, ext. 1224, or Email: [email protected]
The OCIA is a process for adults who wish to begin their journey or complete their journey towards full membership in the Roman Catholic Church. The process is for those who are interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith; those who are already baptized in the Catholic Church or another Christian church and would like to be fully initiated in the Catholic Church; those who have never been Baptized and would like to become Catholic. Sessions are held every Tuesday evening from September through May.
Visit our Adult Formation page for more information.Contact: Fr. Jay Bananal, Pastor
Email: [email protected]
The bride or groom or the mother/father of the bride or groom must be a registered parishioner of San Rafael Parish for at least one year prior to the time of the first meeting with the Priest to discuss the prospective wedding. For marriage preparation, first contact the parish office, (858) 487-4314, nine months in advance to make an appointment with the Pastor, at which time the wedding date and specific time will be discussed. Wedding times are Saturdays at 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon or 2:00 p.m. There are no weddings on Sundays. Several instructional meetings with the Priest will follow, as well as two subsequent meetings with the wedding coordinator to organize details of the wedding day ceremony in the church. Written guidelines for other details will be provided.
Contact: Chris O’Donnell, Director of Catechetical Ministry & Evangelization
(858) 487-4314, ext. 1224, or Email: [email protected]
Confirmation Preparation is one component of youth ministry. Confirmation is a two-year process which begins Freshman year in our Spirit Groups. Sophomore year consists of Spirit Group participation and immediate preparation sessions for Confirmation.Components of Confirmation preparation include preparation sessions, service projects, completing a service journal, attending retreats, meeting with your sponsor, completing a questionnaire regarding basic Catholic beliefs and interviews.