Submission Form: Use the provided form to submit an announcement for your upcoming event.
Facility Reservation: Submit your facility request to the [email protected]. This step be completed before the event can be communicated.
Priority: Given to San Rafael Parish ministries and groups. External groups may run announcements for a maximum of two weeks if space allows and approval from Pastor has been received.
Inclusion: The Pastor reserves the right to not publish announcements. The editor may edit the length and diction of approved announcements.
Submission Deadlines
Altar Announcements: Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 am prior to the weekend of the announcement.
Bulletin Announcements: Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 am, ten days prior to the publication date.
Holidays: Submission deadlines are five days earlier for major holidays.
Flocknote (Currently sent at the beginning of each month): Deadline is 5 days prior to the 1st of the Month.
Bulletin Guidelines
Feature Ads: Large featured Flyers may run one week subject to space availability and discretion of the administrative team.
Run Dates: Due to the nature of our parish bulletin and the limited space available, not every submission is automatically included.